Practical Political Action to Fight Malaria

April 16, 2004

Sample letters to Letter to Donors,
the World Bank, Pharmaceutical Companies and to African Leaders
Elcidio died before his ninth birthday because he was given the wrong anti-malarial drugs. Thousands of African children like him die every *day* for the same reason, and will continue to die until effective drugs and insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) are available.

April 25th is Africa Malaria Day, commemorating the African Summit on Roll Back Malaria in Abuja, Nigeria that took place 4 years ago. The Abuja Summit brought together 44 African leaders and donor organizations who committed to systems reform and a massive scaling-up of funds to fight malaria in Africa, and set five-year targets for reductions in malaria infections and deaths.

With one year remaining to reach the 2005 targets, there is little to celebrate. Many African countries are still administering ineffective drugs, and less than 2% of African children are sleeping under ITNs.

Please consider sending one of the sample letters on the following page.

For further background and PRACTICAL STEPS visit

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