Bishop Shines Shoes of Shoppers

April 13, 2004

April  13,   2004  
PETERBOROUGH UK, April 10, 2004 ( A Bishop has rolled up his sleeves to give shoppers a free, symbolic, shoe shine in place of the traditional foot-washing. The Rt Rev Ian Cundy, Bishop of Peterborough (UK), and more than 10 other clergy men and women from across the city gave shoppers’ shoes “a bit of spit and polish” in Cathedral Square, reports the local online news service Peterborough Now.  The session, which took place on Maundy Thursday was held to represent a modern version of Christ washing the feet of the 12 disciples at the Last Supper.

For the full story see

Thanks to Tim Williams alerting us to this.


Ekklesia, a think-tank and news service that works to promote theological ideas in public life.

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