Internationlal News of the JMV

March 5, 2004

FAMVIN has just received the following letter and text of the February Bulletin. The letter marks the 10th anniversary of the journey with the Vincentian Family. The bulletin features reports from the various councils in Europe, Africa, South America, North Amereica and Aisa.The International Subdirector of the JMV writes…

Dear Friends,

May the Grace of the Lord be with you always!

Receive the brotherly greetings from your friends of the JMV International Council and Secretariat. The celebration of the 10-year journey as a Vincentian Family has filled us all with joy and binds us to a deeper union through communication and common responsibilities.


We are sending you our International Bulletin for the month of February 2004, with which, we wish to share with you the ways of life of our groups in different continents. I believe that this may be a good motivation to celebrate together from the month of September, the Year of the Youth in the Vincentian Family with the theme, “Sharing the charism with all generations.” I am sure that this initiative will unite us more, working even more for a young Church, servant of the poor.

Your brother in the Missionary Christ,

Pedro Castillo,CM.

General Subdirector VMY

C/Jos/ Abascal 30, 28003 Madrid.

Tel: 34 91 591 21 64 / Fax: 34 91 448 31 89

Downlable Word format February Bulletin

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