Sister of Charity Writes on Lent

February 9, 2004

Sr. Anita Constance, SC has written a number of extremely popular books centered on the liturgy and prayer. Her most recent is “Living the Days of Lent – 2004″Paulist’s best selling series of daily Lenten devotions uses scripture, prose reflections, and original prayers and poems to center readers’ minds and souls and gently bring them to readiness for Easter. With these daily meditations, readers learn to open themselves to the risks and rewards of living a fuller life, of finding compassion from themselves and others, and of resting more deeply in God’s loving care.

Living the Days of Lent

– runs daily from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday

-ends each day’s selection with the daily lectionary citations -includes pointed challenges for one’s thoughts and actions
-comes in a tear-out, page-a-day format for handy use

For a complete list of her many books visit Amazon.

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