Srs. of Charity - Seton Hill Celebrate World Day of Consecrated Life

February 1, 2004

The Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill will have a special Liturgy and informal reception on Sunday, February 8, as part of their observance of the World Day for Consecrated Life 2004.”Just as Veterans Day seeks to recognize the contributions of those who fought in battle and Grandparents Day seeks to celebrate the value of those individuals, World Day for Consecrated Life seeks to recognize and celebrate persons who have made a special consecration in the Catholic Church.” explained Sister Judy. “These women and men further their baptismal commitment by living according to the evangelical counsels most often known as the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.”

The United States Bishops site has further background and suggestions for celebrating this day.

First Word Day 1997

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