Fr. Richard McCullen Writes of the Martyrs of Angers - February 1

January 26, 2004

“I invite you to join me in a coach which is traveling from Angers to Paris on the 2 February 1640. One of the passengers is Mademoiselle Louise Le Gras. “”She is looking somewhat pale because during the past few weeks she has been quite ill. She has spent almost three months in the city of Angers and her principal preoccupation has been the negotiation of a contract with the Administrators of the long-established Hospital of St. Jean. According to the terms of the contract, the Daughters of Charity would undertake the nursing of the sick poor in that hospital. It was only the day before, the first of February, that she signed the contract. The Company, she thought to herself, is but six years established and it has now for the first time taken over the care and the nursing of the poor in a hospital…..”

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