''Vincent de Paul: The Trailblazer'' - Fresh Life of Vincent

January 21, 2004

“Acknowledging the need to operate in the secular world in order to achieve his altruistic goals, Vincent was able to immerse himself completely in the drama and the politics of his time without ever forfeiting his piety and his humility.” Margaret Flanagan

St. Vincent de Paul, the Trailblazer
From the dust cover of this new book from University of Notre Dame Press …

” Vincent de Paul, the Trailblazer opens a bright window into the turbulent world of a renowned saint who lived during a time of great unrest. Bernard Pujo details how politics, war, and Vincent’s own charismatic personality served as essential elements in his construction of a vast and lasting web of charitable works.

Pujo introduces readers not only to the fascinating life of Vincent, but also to the cultural, political, social, ecclesiastical, and economic life of France during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Pujo’s rich portrait reveals that Vincent played an active and prominent part in shaping this period of French history. In his quest to minister to the needs of the poor, Vincent counseled and challenged some of the key figures in French politics.

Vincent de Paul, the Trailblazer, describes Vincent’s childhood, his education, his life as a young priest, his skills as an organizer and manager, and his commitment to serving the physical and spiritual needs of the poor. This authoritative biography is lively enough to interest general readers and detailed enough to appeal to scholars of French and church history.

For additional critical comments.

The book is available from The Vincentian Heritage Bookstore at dePaul, <a href=http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?userid=4208W4TGK8&isbn=0268043612&itm=1&vcqty=1&vcmod=1&vcprodid=9780268043612Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

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