Student Perspective on the Impact of a Vincentian Education

January 5, 2004

The December 2003 issue of Midwest South Vincentian  (USA) is now available online and contains a moving commencement address by a student bearing witness to the impact of her VIncentian education.Her speech, “Towards a Brave New World”, concluded as follows ….

“My brothers and sisters, I urge you to respond to St. Vincent’s plea: ‘Come now, let us engage ourselves with a renewed love to serve the poor, and let us even seek out the poorest and most abandoned of all.’ Then, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, we will see a resurrection — a resurrection of hope, of love and of justice.”</a.

Other articles in this issue include The Vincentian Mission in Kenya, Leadville Colorado…. Revisited,  African Novices find a home in St. Louis

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