SSVDP Young Adults in Australia

December 9, 2003

Angela is President of a Young Adults conference in the Parramatta Region. Angela says ” For me, Vinnies is a very special thing – to be able to contribute to someone else’s life.”


Hi, my name is Angela Titmuss and I am from the Parramatta Region Young Adults Conference. At school I was involved in a group called the Mercy Action Group which was very active in social justice and community service activities so we didn’t actually have a Vinnies group. However, a few weeks after I left school I was asked to go on Vinnies Night Patrol van in Parramatta and Penrith and basically said yes without much idea of what it was – I had only vaguely heard about the city van.

I really enjoyed that night and got to know Lisa, the Youth Coordinator, as she was on the van as well as going to World Youth Day with me in August. And World Youth Day certainly helped us to become friends! At the time, I was really wanting to be involved in a volunteer group such as Vinnies. I am in third year medicine and am involved in a few rural health volunteer groups but wanted to do something in the line of Vinnies Van. At the end of 2000 Lisa told me that she wanted to start up some young adults groups in the diocese and would I be interested – I think she already knew my answer!

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