The Bishop Must Be a “Vir Pauper”

October 16, 2003

Pope John Paul II writes “…poverty should be considered an indispensable condition for a fruitful episcopal ministry in Present day circumstances.”Article 20 of Pope John Paul II’s “Pastores Gregis” reads in part:

The Synod Fathers, as a sign of collegial unity, responded to the appeal which I made at the opening Mass of the Synod that the evangelical Beatitude of poverty should be considered an indispensable condition for a fruitful episcopal ministry in present-day circumstances. Here too, amid the assembly of Bishops there stood out the figure of Christ the Lord, ”who carried out the work of redemption in poverty and under oppression”, and who invites the Church, and above all her pastors, ”to follow the same path in communicating to humanity the fruits of salvation”.

Consequently, the Bishop who wishes to be an authentic witness and minister of the Gospel of hope must be a “vir pauper.” This is demanded by the witness he is called to bear to Christ, who was himself poor. It is also demanded by the Church’s concern for the poor, who must be the object of a preferential option. The Bishop’s decision to carry out his ministry in poverty contributes decisively to making the Church the ”home of the poor”.

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