Series of Short Vocation-Oriented Bulletin Blurbs Available

October 13, 2003

In order to encourage vocations Fr. Ron Hoye offers a collection of two or three sentence
blurbs that correspond to the theme
of the Liturgy for each Sunday beginning
October 19, 2003 and ending on the
Feast of Christ the King, November 21, 2004.
The Vocation TeamWorks web site has been update with another resource for
your use in promoting vocations.

“Bulletin Blurbs” have been included in the choice of resources for you to
include in your parish publications. The blurbs are two to three sentence
vocation thoughts that correspond to the Sunday scriptural theme for each
Sunday from now till November 2004.

Let me know if I can help in any way as we continue to promote vocations to
our Family.


The full series can be found at his web site at They are available in both PDF and Word format.


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