Daughters of Charity (Gt. Britain) Inaugurate Justice and Peace Section on Site

September 11, 2003

The Daughters of Charity in Great Britain, in response to a concern of their recently completed international General Assembly, have inaugurated a new “Justice and Peace” section on their web site.http://www.daughtersofcharity.org.uk/Justice%20&%20Peace.htm

They explain on their current news page…

“The Daughters of Charity make the cause of the poor their own; therefore they commit themselves to work for social transformation and to eliminate the unjust structures that cause poverty.”    (General Assembly: June 2003)

To conscientise one another about Justice and Peace 
issues – a new page has been added to our web site 
which will be updated regularly by Sr Teresa Mathews 
and the members of the Province J & P Commission. 

There are literally hundreds of issues and campaigns 
happening at any one time … so rather than risk 
“overload”  – the page will highlight just one or two 
items for our attention, prayer and action.”

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