Resources for the Feast of Fredric Ozanam - Sept. 9 UPDATED

August 29, 2003

A compilation of resources on this site as well as the wider web useful in preparing for his feast day .
Basic Resources
Liturgical texts
Sr. Kieran Kneaves Reflections for Council Meetings

Meditation/Litany for Feast of Frederic

Sr. Gwen Tamlyn’s Reflections for Council Meetings
Ozanam on Strife

The Rule – Ozanam Recommended Simplicity

Fr. Thomas McKenna’s Presentation to 2002 National Meeting
Visitation – Principal Work of the Society
Spanish Artists rendering of Ozanam
Ozanam’s views on the gap between the Rich and the Poor of his Day
Vincentian Prayer Book for SVDP
Other resources on this site (In reverse chronological order)
Search Search and then enter the word Ozanam. This search will return all the instances in this site where the word occurs and leads to reports of activities of the Society around the world. Similar searches can be done for Kneaves and Tamlyn.
Ozanam: A Man Ahead of His TIme
New Painting of Fredric by Sr. Ellen LaCapria

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