Of the Daughters of Charity and Tractors in Kenya

August 24, 2003

“… the biggest excitement has been the arrival of the new tractor, trailer and plough. The first work of the tractor is to bring up three tons of maize everyday to sell to the people. They buy an eighty kilo sack or just four according to their finances. Because of the lack of rain last year the people did not have a harvest so now they are depending on us to bring supplies.”
A-maize-ing Tractor for Kenya

Sisters Mary Holland, Nigisti Zeray, Patricia Bayreu and Mary Ann Walsh belong to the DC community missioned in Chepnyal, Kenya. The tractor used by the local people was 20 years old and had had its day. It ‘died’ recently, while struggling to bring much-needed food supplies to this mountainous area, where a long drought had caused the harvest to fail.

An appeal was made for money to buy a new tractor and the response has been tremendous. The KITALE Catholic Mission in Chepnyal is the proud owner of a new, shiny red tractor which brings up 3 tons of maize everyday … as well as performing many other necessary functions..”

Sr Mary continues here story at the web site of the daubhters of Charity in Great Britain


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