Sept. 2 - Background for Feast of CM ''Blesseds''

August 21, 2003

Quick leads to background for the September 2 feast of John Henry Gruyer, Pierre-René Rogue and Louis-Joseph François, all members of the Congregation of the Mission. This article also contains correlations between these ‘Holy ones” and the various works of the CM such as

Popular missions: I refer here to parish missions preached in one’s own country. Many confreres are engaged today in this ministry. Justin De Jacobis was ordained in 1824 and did not leave for Ethiopia until 1839. That means he had fifteen years of priestly ministry in Italy. For most of that time he was engaged in preaching parish missions. John Henry Gruyer was also mainly engaged in this ministry, and John Gnidovec in the short period between joining the Congregation and being ordained a bishop also gave missions. He did not take the additional name Francis until he became a bishop
Retreats:  Another form of ministry in which many confreres are engaged to a greater or lesser degree is giving retreats to various groups. The three men already mentioned gave retreats as well as missions.  Perhaps some of the others did as well.

Major Seminaries: Francis Clet was a professor of moral theology, Pierre-René Rogue taught dogma,  and John Gabriel Perboyre taught theology ; his letter does not say which branch.  Louis-Joseph François was rector of a seminary.

Theology courses for lay people: Pierre-René Rogue.

Minor Seminaries and Secondary Colleges: John Gabriel Perboyre and John Gnidovec were engaged in this type of ministry, and both were superiors in such houses  as well.

Vincentian Internal Seminary: Francis Clet, John Gabriel Perboyre, Justin De Jacobis and John Gnidovec were directors of the internal seminary.

Missions ad gentes: Francis Clet, John Gabriel Perboyre and Justin De Jacobis.

Internal administration of the CM: Louis-Joseph François was Secretary General, Francis Clet was an elected  delegate to a general assembly, and John Gabriel Perboyre was secretary of a commission.

Parish ministry: John Henry Gruyer and Pierre-René Rogue.

Dialogue with pagans: Francis Clet and John Gabriel Perboyre.

Dialogue with Orthodox Christians: Justin De Jacobis, Ghebre-Michael, John Francis Gnidovec.

Dialogue with Islam: John Francis Gnidovec.

Clandestine ministry during time of persecution,etc.

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