Vincentian University Hosts Major Social Action Summer Institute

June 19, 2003

SJU is a co-sponsor of the the Annual Social Action Summer Institute along with U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Charities, USA, and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, and Association of Diocesan Social Action Directors, the professional association of those who staff bishops in the social mission of the Church.SJU will host the Annual 2003 Social Action Summer Institute at its Queens campus July 20-25.
Track I (for new participants):
* Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching: Roots in Scripture and Tradition with Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, President of Catholic Charities, USA; Counselor, Catholic Relief Services and Dr. Gina Hens-Piazza, Associate Professor, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley.
Track II (for returning participants):
* Catholics in the Public Square with Ms. Margaret O’Brien Steinfels, former editor, Commonweal, and Mr. Peter Steinfels, The New York Times; Can the Catholic church, with over 60 million adherents in the United States, make a distinctive contribution to American civic life?
That question and related ones will be explored in Track II, based on a three-year research project recently concluded by the Commonweal Foundation and the Faith & Reason Institute and supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts. More info available at
Skills and Issues Workshops Including:
Globalization: A Guide to the Perplexed
Mini-Course: Adult Formation: Effective Tools to Enliven Your Presentations
Leadership Development: Lessons Learned
Constituency Building
Vehicles for Social Action
Legislative Networks & Advocacy
Community Organizing
Understanding Catholic Lay Movements
Globalization: Putting a Face on It
More information, including registration instructions can be found at

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