Vincent and the Eucharist - Correspondence Course

June 18, 2003

Sr. Mary Wedding, a Sister of Charity (Nazareth) has just sent her translation of the section “Vincent and the Eucharist” from the French language correspondence course she is doing with Sr. Elizabeth Charpy, DC in ParisAs usual the document provides some perspectives on the given topic and then a collection of quotes from Vincent.

Thought starters at the end of the document..

1. Do you find in this Eucharistic vision of Saint Vincent aspects, which resonate, with your Constitutions, with your living tradition?

2. The Eucharist renders Christ truly present to us.

– In what way do you believe that this is true?

-What behavior reveals in you your faith in the Christ always Incarnate?

3. What spiritual consequences flow from this for you?

– Do you believe in your “divinization”?
(Cf. Encyclical of John Paul II)

– Do you believe in the transformation of the world?

– What do you share with Jesus Christ (His love, His zeal, His continued search for the souls of human beings…)?

– What do you share with men and women, your brothers and sisters? (The Eucharist is the place for sharing.)

See earlier article on this project.

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