SVDP President in Australia - ''The Poor Are Silenced, But We will Not Be Silenc

June 15, 2003

SYDNEY, June 16, 2003 (
“The poor are silenced, but we will not be silenced!” These are the blunt messages the St Vincent de Paul Society is taking to the Senate Inquiry into Poverty later this week.
“21% of Australian households are living on under $400 a week”. “The poor are silenced, but we will not be silenced!” These are the blunt messages the St Vincent de Paul Society is taking to the Senate Inquiry into Poverty later this week. “Just over 21% of Australian households – that is about 3.6 million people – are living on under $400 a week”, John Meahan, Vinnies National President will tell the Senate Inquiry into Poverty in Canberra later this week. “That’s under $21,000 a year.”

He intends to ask the Senators, “Could you live on that?” “The poor are silenced but we will not be silenced. The 800,000 people we visit each year expect us to tell the leaders of this country what we see with our own eyes. The poor are increasingly deprived of income and opportunities while the rich are rewarded by a system that respects money more than human beings.

Thanks to Tim William, CM for drawing attention to this link on the St. Vincent de Paul Society site.


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