Guided Tour of the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal

June 13, 2003

Sr. Maureen Tinkler, DC writes, “This evening the Sisters attending the General Assembly here in Paris
had a tour of the web site for the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal (aka the DCs chapel in 140 Rue du Bac). It was presented by four of the Chapel team.” She invites us to join the tour.
The team consists of Fr Jean-Daniel Planchot CM, Sr Marie Madeleine Decelle DC, Mme
Sharon Defruyt and her husband Robert.
If you would like to see the site for yourself go to:
“There’s an interesting feature which appears when you click on the photo
of the chapel. It enlarges and 15 locations light up which you can visit
one at a time.
Happy surfing,
Sr Maureen Tinkler DC
Many thanks to her for alertingus to this new site!

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