New Painting of Ozanam - Sr. Ellen LaCapria, D.C.

April 8, 2003

Frederick by Sr. Ellen LaCapria

Frederick by Sr. Ellen LaCapria

“This painting (acrylic – 24″X30”) of Frederick Ozanam was commission by
Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, NY to be displayed in their education hall
dedicated to this Blessed man. The portrait depicts Frederick as a husband,
scholar and a man of the church. The two Daughters of Charity in the
painting are a reminder of his connection to the Vincentian Family and his
eventual Founding of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Prints (sizes can
vary) can be purchased from Sr. Ellen LaCapria, DC at Sr.
Ellen LaCapria, D.C.

For a larger view (takes a while to download) click on the image.

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