Statement of the Sisters of Charity (Cincinnati)

March 26, 2003

Delhi – The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, who are meeting at their Motherhouse, Mount St. Joseph, Delhi Township, to discuss and decide the direction of the congregation for the next four years and beyond, voice their opposition to the war
Because of our personal commitment to nonviolence and the sacredness of all life, we, the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, wish to express our opposition to the war in Iraq as a means of resolving conflict. We respectfully urge our government leaders to use their power and influence to stop this violence and save human life.

We pray for the safety of those fighting the war and ask for their quick return to their homelands. We also pray for the safety of the Iraqi people and others whose lives are in the path of war. Finally, we pray that our government leaders stop the war and seek nonviolent means to resolve international conflicts. We invite all people to join us in praying for peace in our world.

The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati is an apostolic Catholic women?s religious community that exists to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through service and prayer in the world. Sisters, using their professional talents as ministers of education, health care and social services, currently live and minister in 24 U.S. states and in Guatemala. They also sponsor institutions to address education, health care and social service needs, with particular concern for direct service to the poor. More than 500 Sisters are joined in their mission by 120 Associates. Visit the Sisters of Charity website at

NOTE: Chapter was held March 19-23.

Contact: Mary Kay Gilbert, 513/347-5466

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