St. Vincent on Ravages of War

March 21, 2003

[The] number [of poor persons] is very great and so are their needs. We have started assisting them corporally….We are obliged to go and serve them in the rural areas where they are. They are our portion, and now that they are coming to us, driven out by the hardships of war, it seems that we are more obliged to work for their salvation in their present affliction (IV:393)
Charity is the cement that binds communities to God and persons to one another (II:413)

All of our members are so united and interconnected that damage done to one part is damage done to all. A fortiori, Christians who are members of one Body and of each other, should share the sufferings of each other. It is impossible for anyone to be a Christian and not see the afflictions of our brothers and sister. Nos is it possible for a Christian not to weep with the, not to suffer with them (Conference to the Missionaries, May 30, 1659, On charity)

Just as Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem because of the calamities with which it was threatened, so too, our reactions ought to be tangible expressions of our identification with, and compassion toward our brothers and sisters…..People should be comforted and helped in their want and misery and we should strive to deliver them from their pain, for heart and hand go together (Conference to the missionaries, undated, On the spirit of compassion)

Compassion means to suffer with our brothers and sisters, to weep when they weep….compassion is that manifestation of love which enables us to enter into another’s heart and feelings (Conference to the missionaries, May 30, 1659, On charity).

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