Midwestern CM's Letter to President Bush

February 19, 2003

“As men committed to the service of God’s children, we judge ourselves to be obliged to inform you of our grave moral reservations about the pre-emptive war that is being proposed against the nation of Iraq.”January 30, 2003

President George W. Bush
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Bush,

We are members of the Midwest Province of the Congragation of the Mission, better known as the Vincentians, a Catholic community of priests and brothers, founded by Saint Vincent de Paul. Our mission includes announcing the Gospel to the poor and abandoned of society. As men committed to the service of God’s children, we judge ourselves to be obliged to inform you of our grave moral reservations about the pre-emptive war that is being proposed against the nation of Iraq.

The Catholic religious tradition, as well as our own concern for the poor, judges that an attack on another nation in order to prevent war fails to clearly meet the requirements for a just act. Even if there were justice in the position, we do not believe that sufficient proof has been offered that Iraq presents a clear and present danger to the well-being of the United States. We certainly share your concern about the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and about the government of Iraq’s role in that proliferation. We do not believe, however, that all available approaches, short of war, to resolution of this problem have yet been taken. We ask you, as well, to not only announce that we have proof of Iraq’s manufacture and possession of weapons of mass destruction but to inform us of the grounds that underlie that proof. Anything short of that will make it difficult, if not impossible, to support armed conflict.

We recognize the immense burden that you carry – the burden of responsibility for the well-being and safety of all the citizens of the United States. We urge you, as you exercise your responsibility, to bear in mind that the immense military power at your command inevitably makes you responsible, as well, for the innocent citizens of Iraq and other countries.

We assure you of our prayers as you continue to meet the challenge of leadership both in our country and in the world community. We pray that God will pour out on you His gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and courage. We pray that all of your acts will be tempered by mercy.


The Members of the Congregation of the Mission
Midwest Province

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