Collaboration of the SSVDP in Romania and England.

February 11, 2003

The fall of communism in Eastern Europe has left some ordinary people very vulnerable, as economies restructure. There is much work for the young local SSVP in Romania to do and the Society in England and Wales has taken a special interest in Romania, helping to set up many new groups.The poverty is really hurting, especially children and not only in the orphanages.
There are 33 aggregated Conferences in Romania and 12 of them are supported, that is to say twinned by the Conferences of England and Wales.
One of the activities is visiting the gypsies, as they are the people in the greatest need. The gypsy families live in desperate poverty, the children are unable to speak through lack of stimulation and sometimes the father is imprisoned for stealing firewood. Members of SSVP in this country say that, ‘as Vincentians, we must give hope and encouragement to the people we visit’. 
“God sends you to us. No-one accepts us, except you in the SSVP.”

For the full story visit


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