CM UN Representive Invites People to Express Express Opinions on Iraq Situation

January 9, 2003

Fr. Joe Foley, CM, the Congregation of the Mission representative to the UN (CM-NGO), has added an Iraq page to his web site. The page invites people to respond to President Bush’s invitation to speak out by calling a White House number.The CM-NGO gives a telephone number that allows you to register your feelings about going to war with Iraq. Some think that the war is inevitable and will begin in early February. Realistically speaking, this seems fairly certain. But, from a “faith perspective” there may be some hope! The poor will certainly pay the price.

The young site is rich in other materials about how Vincentians can address the underlying causes of poverty and hunger.

Please note you can also let other Vincentian know how you feel about this issue by using the Poll at the right of this story.

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