Vincentian Partners for Justice in UK

December 16, 2002

On Tuesday, 3rd December, Daughters of Charity, Vincentian Fathers and other members of the Vincentian Family joined the DEBT-ON-OUR-DOORSTEP campaign organised by Church Action Poverty (CAP) to  lobby Parliament for:

Greater support for credit unions
Tighter regulation of extortionate lending
An accessible and fair Social Fund systemDebt on our Doorstep

Millions of people in Britain struggle with poverty and debt. More than 7 million people, especially the poorest, are systematically excluded from affordable credit and forced into the open arms of expensive lenders and “loan sharks”. The spiral into deeper debt compounds the issue and can drive people to despair and crazy “solutions”.

It doesn’t have to be like this if the Government acted against extortionate lending and supported affordable credit. 

SOURCE: Daughters of Charity – UK Photos included.


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