Vietnamese Web Site Links the Poor and Donors

November 20, 2002

First time Catholics in Vietnam have used an Internet website to evangelize and to link poor people and donors.November  17,  2002  
HO CHI MINH CITY, November 16, 2002 ( Catholic Internet surfers in Vietnam are responding to a “Let’s Help the Needy” campaign launched by a priest in an electronic news bulletin that he started last year. Since the bulletin began, Catholic donors have given the campaign more than 300 million dong (US$19,554), as well as scholarships, free medical checkups, used clothing, instant noodles, milk and other items.

Redemptorist Father Joseph Le Quang Uy started the weekly “Gospelnet” in March 2001 in Ho Chi Minh City, 1,145 kilometers south of Ha Noi. He said it was the first time Catholics in Vietnam have used an Internet website to evangelize and to link poor people and donors.

Story spotted on site of Australian Vincentians

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