Fr. Maloney - ''The Listening Disciple''

October 22, 2002

“…today let me speak of only one thing, the “necessary” thing, according to Luke’s gospel, the secret of her holiness: she listens to the word of God. Mary hears what God is saying and acts on it.”THE LISTENING DISCIPLE

Each morning he wakes me to hear,

to listen like a disciple.

The Lord Yahweh has opened my ear.


 I want to speak with you about the Assumption of Mary. We profess our belief today that she is with her Son in glory, that she has experienced the “resurrection of the flesh”, that her whole human person — body and soul — enjoys the life that all of us long to live.

The scriptures present Mary as the ideal believer. One could choose many things to say about the Mary of the gospels. One could speak of her faith, of her motherhood, of her virginity, of her humility, of her active charity.

But today let me speak of only one thing, the “necessary” thing, according to Luke’s gospel, the secret of her holiness: she listens to the word of God. Mary hears what God is saying and acts on it.

I offer you these thoughts briefly in three parts:
1) listening in Luke’s gospel;
2) some echoes of the theme in the spirituality of St. Vincent and St. Louise;
3) some ramifications today.

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