Vincentian Youth Experience at Niagara University

September 20, 2002

As I was getting ready for the trip to Niagara University and the Vincentian experience I really only had one thought on my mind, ‘I can’t wait to get to Toronto for World Youth Day!’ I honestly didn’t think that there was anything that could prepare me for the experience that I expected to have when I arrived in Toronto. I expected Niagara to be fun, but I didn’t think that it could compare or enhance the WYD experience I was going to have. I could never have known how wrong I was or how powerful an experience I was going to have during The Vincentian Experience, and I don’t know if could fully express my thanks and appreciation for those who made it possible.
Despite the fact that I go to St. John’s University which is a Vincentian school, I sometimes do not realize how many young people are actually in the Vincentian family, so when I walked into the Castellani Art Museum and saw over a hundred young people from across the whole country who were excited about both being there and being Vincentian, it was a powerful experience. Another wonderful thing that I had noticed is that in the Vincentian family, there are no distinctions or qualifications between youth and adults or even Religious and Lay people, everyone was considered equal, my input was as valuable as anyone else’s.

For the rest of the story and others visit


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