Ten Ways to Raise Consciousness of Hunger

August 21, 2002

Bread for the World offer 10 ways to Increase Commitment to Fight HungerTen Ways to Strengthen Your Congregation’s Hunger Ministry

1. Make it real. Did you know that the U.S. spends 1/10 of 1% of its GNP on Development Assistance-the lowest of all the 21 richest countries? In sub-Saharan Africa, it’s more likely for your daughter to die of AIDS than to finish high school. And one out of every seven children dies before reaching his/her fifth birthday. Try a myth vs. fact model.

2. Know your resources. Bread for the World has a wide variety of resources and up-to-date information. Find out more by contacting our staff.

3. Share your vision. Start off by inviting key members in your congregation who care about Africa to get involved. Remember that great things happen in small numbers.

4. Be creative. Church newsletters, displays, Moments for Mission, bulletin inserts, Sunday school presentations and special intentions are great ways to communicate the issues facing poor and hungry people in Africa.

5. Build support. Integrating African concerns into the life of your congregation is important. Does your congregation or larger church body–diocese, synod, presbytery etc.–partner with an African church or community? Invite local Africans to speak of their first-hand experiences.

6. Engage youth! Tap into the energy and enthusiasm of youth. Soup suppers, hunger meals, musicals, fasts, CROP Walks, and volunteering have great potential to impact youth and the congregation.

7. Contact your members of Congress. As faithful citizens, raise your concerns about U.S. policy toward Africa to those who represent you in Washington. Bread’s Offering of Letters kit contains sample letters and concise information.

8. Celebrate Africa. Songs, prayers, liturgy and food African style can help share signs of hope and promise from Africa.

9. Involve your pastor or minister. Encourage your pastor to brainstorm with you ways to raise up Africa within the congregation. Then take the most realistic ideas to the appropriate church committee that will need to approve it.

10. Pray. Solidarity with people of Africa is one way for your community to grown in faith and to serve God.



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