Life in a Garbage Dump

August 19, 2002

“Food For the Poor” has a brief inspirational photo essay/pilgrimage about life in the Riverton Garbage Dump.Take A Virtual Pilgrimage

Watch this video to learn more about the mission of Food For the Poor

PILGRIMAGE: (noun) 1. A journey to a sacred place or shrine. 2. A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

For those who have made a pilgrimage to a third-world country, the experience of visiting the poor remains vivid and haunting — a source of both sorrow and joy.

Through Food For The Poor’s new VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGES you will be able to share the same experience without boarding a plane or traveling to a Third-World country.

We invite you to share the pilgrimage experience in 1-3 minute visual journeys that capture both the sorrow and joys of our unique ministry.


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