Litigation Fears Hinder Work of SSVDP

August 12, 2002

Due to liability laws SSVDP in Australia can’t afford to give away second-hands goods.Due to liability laws SSVDP in Australia can’t afford to give away second-hands goods.
The site of the Australian Vincentian Fathers and Brothers notes…..

August 4, 2002 

PERTH, August 1, 2002 ( Robert Taylor writes for  INSIDE COVER  in The West Online –  WHAT’S the world coming to when you can’t even give your old toaster, washing machine or fridge to a deserving family on struggle street without fear of being sued all the way to struggle street yourself?

The St Vincent de Paul Society and all the other agencies that look out for the battlers left behind in our globalised world have had to stop taking donations of electrical goods because of public liability concerns.Put simply, they can’t afford to give away second-hand goods any more. Quite apart from depriving deserving families of a bit of modern day convenience, this means that perfectly fine white goods are being turned into bird baths all over Perth. Read further at:

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