''Food First'' Fact Sheet - Hunger in the US

August 9, 2002

Which country has 1 out of 5 children living in poverty?
Which country has 4.2 million households skipping or reducing meals
each day?
Which country has a total of 36 million people going hungry?

At first glance, an Asian, African or Latin or Central American
countries may come to mind. These statistics however, represent the
reality in the United States, the wealthiest nation in the world.
While one percent of the population controls almost half of the
country’s wealth, chronic hunger is the reality for many Americans.

Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy has just
released a fact sheet on growing hunger and poverty in the U.S.
“The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Go Hungry, Hunger: A Growing Epidemic
in America”

The report includes statistics on population groups that are
suffering from hunger and poverty, exposes the impact of these
problems, and offers a human rights framework to challenge this
economic and social injustice.

The Fact Sheet is available online at:

Food First, The Institute for Food and Development Policy, is a policy
think tank that carries out research, education, and advocacy about our
food system. Food First works to identify the root causes of hunger and
poverty in the United States and around the world, and to educate the
public as well as policymakers about these problems and alternative
solutions to them.



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