Globalization of Charity reports - Latin America

August 4, 2002

A English version of the first reports on the Globalization of Charity projects from Latin AMerica.Project Globalization of the Charity 
Project “Domestic Cisterns”

The Brazilian Province of the Congregation of the Mission (BPCM), in partnership with the Municipal ASAS (Articulations of the Semi-arid), develops the project “Domestic Cisterns” in a poor region of Bahia (Brazil). This program, that is part of the campaign “Globalization of Charity: Fight against Hunger”, asks the colaboration of entities, groups and members of the Vincentian Family. 

The objective of the project is the construction of cisterns to benefit those who live in distant places from the river São Francisco and suffer with the lack of water. The dynamics of the program is the orientation of the families and the local groups so that they can get resources from government. 

The cisterns are constructions of cement plates, sand and frames of iron, used for reception and storage of rainwater. A cistern has capacity to store 16 thousand liters of water, what is enough to solve the needs of a family during the drought period. 

Each assisted family will assume 15% of the expenses of a cistern. Initially, the BPCM will build 80 cisterns. If the request of colaboration sent to the branches of the Vincentian Family is acepted and they have financial resources, the project will help more poor families. 

The Municipal ASAS will gather every month to appraise and program the activities of the project; they will also manage the resources. The coordination of BPCM will be responsible for informing the project news and the use of the resources. 

BPCM hopes that, with the support of the Municipal ASAS and of those that adhere to the proposal, the hunger in Bahia will be relieved and the campaign “Globalization of Charity: Fight against Hunger” will achieve one more good result.
Source: Father Eli – Congregation of the Mission – Brazil

In Ecuador, the project “A shared bread” counts with the participation of the Metropolitan Council, Vincentian Family, JMV and students in the distribution of food in 4 districts of lacking population.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico, the campaign “Aguinaldo contra el hambre” helps the poor in the country and sends help to the neediest in Cuba. 

“Aid to the poor of the street” is a project developed in Mexico, requested by the Diocese. The AMM, the Metropolitan Council and the Daughters of the Charity offer help and during five years they will distribute foods to the residents of the streets. 

In Chiquimula, Guatemala, thanks to the project “Support to 70 families”, 70 lacking families are being helped.

In Matagalpa and León, in Nicaragua, the people of a lacking community is receiving the benefits of the project “Siembra de fríjol y creación de aves” which they participate actively. 
Source: Boletim Brasileiro – Year 124 nº 2 march/april 2002 

Dining Hall Saint Vincent de Paul

Concerning about the “fight against the hunger” that the General Superior of the Lazarists Priests and of the Daughters of the Charity launched an appeal for the whole Vincentian Family. That in each part of the world where a member exists, this member should work to relief the suffering of the poor. 

In the desire to answer those challenges, the Daughters of the Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, of the Province of Fortaleza (Brazil), had the initiative of building, with anonymous people, a dining hall in the free space from the Dispensary of the Poor Sacred Heart. 

The dining hall is capable to offer a meal daily to the street poor, beggars and marginal, giving them also, the opportunity to be integrated in the society and to develop their professional aptitudes. 
Source: Sister Inês de Barros, F. da C.


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