Something to think about...

July 16, 2002

According to one calculation, each European cow is subsidised to the tune of $US1 ($1.80) a day, which is the same amount the poorest 1.2 billion people on the planet have to live on every day.PROTECTIONISM IS FOR RICH COUNTRIES
July 13, 2002 

AUSTRALIA July 11, 2002 ( Mike Steketee writes in the Weekend Australian today – “In Rome this week, John Howard not only met the Pope, he declared his faith. As the Prime Minister told a lunch of Italian businessmen, he was a ‘very passionate believer”” in globalisation.  Certainly faith is required, particularly in Europe, where there is much preaching of the globalisation gospel and much heresy committed.

According to one calculation, each European cow is subsidised to the tune of $US1 ($1.80) a day, which is the same amount the poorest 1.2 billion people on the planet have to live on every day. There is nothing phony about the comparison. It is developing countries that lose most from the walls that Europe, the US, Japan and other rich nations build around agriculture like medieval fortifications.

A recent detailed study by Oxfam says that when developing countries export to rich countries, they face tariff barriers four times higher than those encountered by developed countries. That is because trade protection tends to be targeted at the labour-intensive agricultural and manufactured goods they produce. Oxfam’s estimate is that these measures cost the developing world $100 billion a year, which is twice as much as it receives in foreign aid…”. 

Read further at:,5744,4694139%255E7583,00.html


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