SSVDP Ontario Provincial Council Welcomes World Youth Day

July 4, 2002

All visitors to WYD 2002, especially youth pilgrims, are invited to visit our exhibit and join us in this and other events as we engage in discussion, prayer, and conversation.
“We Joyfully and Prayerfully welcome all Young Vincentians and All Youth Pilgrims”

The National Council of Canada of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul endorses and fully supports this 17th World Youth Day, to be held in Canada from the 18th to 28th of July this year, and will play a substantial organizational role in this wonderful event.

Youth pilgrims from around the world will visit many parts of Canada during the “Days in the Dioceses”- 18th – 22nd of July, then all will converge on the city of Toronto for the last five days, 23rd – 28th of July. Look for our Society of St. Vincent de Paul in each city.

In Toronto, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul plans a number of events for world youth delegates and will have a booth exhibit at Exhibition Hall. This booth will have information describing the international scope of the activities of the Society.

For more information see


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