Summer Novenas for Justice and Peace

June 7, 2002

Each novena has a general justice and peace intention, the novena prayer, a short prayer to a saint, and a focus on one of the seven Works of Justice and Peace.
June 8 – June 16, 2002

Our Lady of Sorrows & Archbishop Oscar Romero

General intentions: For the redemption of structures of violence, oppression, exploitation, and despair with beauty, goodness, mercy, and peace.

June 17 – 25, 2002
Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Martyrs of Latin America

General Intention: The unjust exercise of authority, and the sins and structures of sin against life.

June 26 – July 4, 2002

Our Lady of the Precious Blood and St. Franz Jagerstatter

General Intention: The reconciliation of persons and peoples.

July 5 – 13, 2002

Our Lady of Good Counsel and Matthew Talbot

General Intention: For all those pushed to the edges of human societies.

July 14 -22, 2002

Our Lady of Perpetual Help & Sts. Vincent de Paul & Louise Marillac

General Intention: Justice in the distribution of the Earth’s goods

July 23 – 31, 2002

Our Lady Queen of Peace and Peter Maurin

General intention: For the conversion of the rich and powerful.

August 1 – 8, 2002

Our Lady of Victories and Dorothy Day

General Intention: + For the creation of structures of beauty and goodness.

It is beneficial to begin a time of prayer with a moment of quietness and recollection. Meditating on a short phrase — a Bible verse, a short prayer — or a decade of the Rosary can help set this time apart for prayer and intercession. The Jesus prayer – “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” is especially appropriate. As the spirit of prayer comes upon you, read the intentions and prayers for the day.

For the full text of these novenas by Robert Waldrop see

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