God's "Ingenious Love" at work on the Internet"

May 30, 2002

“Yes”, says Passionist Victor Hoagland Ingenious Love

St. Paul of the Cross, the founder of my religious community, the Passionists, used to say: “Love is ingenious.”

To an American like me, that saying seems to be an invitation to use my talents and imagination as ingeniously as I can. Then, at the end of the day I can say to God: “Here is my gift to you.”

But lately, I’m thinking that maybe it’s God’s love that is ingenious. “Here is a gift you never thought about.” God says, “Be surprised!”

I was surprised one afternoon, about six years ago, when a woman from Portland, Oregon, phoned to ask if we had a book on St. Paul of the Cross. Yes, I said, I’ll send it to you.

“That should be on the Internet,” she said. I told her I didn’t know a thing about the Internet.

“I’ll show you.” So I let her show me.

For the full story see


While surfing you may also be interested in visiting their new “Children’s Rosary” site at http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/child/rosary/index.html


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