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New Evangelization

Vincentians and Evangelization: Two presentations on a theme

What is the image of a Vincentian Evangelizaer? What is the message that Vincentian Evangelizers deliver?

.famvin on Telegram

Telegram is a free communication tool available for most electronic devices and platforms, including Android & Apple tablets and smartphones, and also PC, Mac and Linux desktop operating systems. Thanks to this application, you can connect with people (regardless...

Twenty-six Catholic sisters in a Jewish Nursing Home?

Can twenty six Catholic sisters in a Jewish Nursing Home find happiness? I personally never thought this would be something I would ever ask, much less find and answer to.

Relating service and growth in spirituality

Relating service and growth in spirituality. Vincentian Perspectives on New Evangelization

Louise as Spirit-filled evangelizer

Louise as Spirit-filled evangelizer

Sister María Ángeles Infante, DC Pope Francis dedicated the last chapter of his Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, to spirit-filled evangelizers…. I have come to realize that what is being presented there was fully accomplished by Louise de Marillac.