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Justin de Jacobis

This week: Feast of St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. (July 30)

Beginning around 1840, St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M., began providing spiritual assistance to the people of what is today the countries of Eritrea and Ethiopia,, and the people welcomed him and his guidance.

July 30: St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M.

St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. was the great apostle to the Abyssinian people (today, the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia).

Video on St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. (Feast Day: July 30)

St. Justin de Jacobis, C.M. promoted indigenous clergy in Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Five Faces of Justin De Jacobis

If I had to pick a single Daughter of Charity to present to the sisters as a model, I would pick Rosalie Rendu. If I had to pick a single missionary to present to the confreres, I would pick Justin de Jacobis.

St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue

St. Justin de Jacobis: The Art of Dialogue

Father Robert Maloney, C.M., writes: More than a century before the word “inculturation” became popular, Justin [St. Justin de Jacobis] was a master of the art. He said to his listeners: “...if anyone should question you: ‘Who is this stranger?’, answer: ‘He is a...