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Happy Women’s Day: Check out “Herstory” on .famvin

Click to read all articles tagged "herstory"here on .famvin!   Herstory[1.Jane Mills, "Womanwords: a dictionary of words about women", 1992, ISBN 0-02-921495-5, p. 118] : history (knowledge obtained by inquiry) written from a feminist perspective, emphasizing the...

If It Was Not For The Women, There May Not Be A St. Vincent de Paul

Commenting on a recent article, MaryAnn Dantuono, President of the Ladies of Charity (AIC) USA said, This is a delightful recognition. (ed. note: LCUSA was recognized for the 400th Anniversary of the founding of the Confraternities of Charity in France. The...

Mapping Herstory #IamVincent

Mapping can tell a good story. The AIC-USA is determined about the project of mapping herstory. In a creative new part of their website called "Spotlight on Associations," the Association of International Charities in the USA is using mapping to tell stories of the...

The Evolution of St. Vincent’s Spiritual Vision

Watch a YouTube video that describes how St. Vincent’s spiritual vision evolved over several decades, as he was influenced by his collaborators (particularly his work with Louise de Marillac, the Ladies of Charity, and the Daughters of Charity).

The Charity of Christ #famvin400

The Charity of Christ #famvin400

The charity of Christ urges me. A while ago, I wrote an editorial on women and the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the charism. After reading this article on .famvin about the role of women in the enfleshment of the charism of Charity some 400 years ago, two...