Recent updates:
Congregation of the Mission Celebrating 400, and 200, Years
by Famvin Media Resources | January 22, 2017 | Formation | 0 Comments
Celebrating 200 Years of Vincentians in the U.S.: Vincentian Heritage Week
by Elizabeth Astridge | September 18, 2016 | News | 0 Comments
New Video “Journey of Faith: The History of the Vincentians in the United States”
by Famvin Media Resources | July 24, 2016 | Formation | 0 Comments
A new documentary, “Journey of Faith: The History of the Vincentians in the United States”, was produced by Anthony F. Kuzia, C.M., and Marian A. O’Brien who wanted to expand on the story of the first Vincentian Missionaries in the U.S., particularly to include some first person commentary by the missionaries themselves.
Vincentian Pioneers in America (U.S.): 200th Anniversary
by Famvin Media Resources | July 22, 2016 | Formation | 0 Comments
Learn more about the origins of the Vincentians in the United States, and their founding superior, Fr. Felix de Andreis, in this SlideShare presentation.
Celebrating 200 Years of Vincentians in the U.S.: Vincentian Heritage Week
by Elizabeth Astridge | Sep 18, 2016 | News
Niagara University, the first Vincentian university established in the United States, will celebrate the 200th...
New Video “Journey of Faith: The History of the Vincentians in the United States”
by Famvin Media Resources | Jul 24, 2016 | Formation
A new documentary, “Journey of Faith: The History of the Vincentians in the United States”, was produced by Anthony F. Kuzia, C.M., and Marian A. O’Brien who wanted to expand on the story of the first Vincentian Missionaries in the U.S., particularly to include some first person commentary by the missionaries themselves.
Vincentian Pioneers in America (U.S.): 200th Anniversary
by Famvin Media Resources | Jul 22, 2016 | Formation
Learn more about the origins of the Vincentians in the United States, and their founding superior, Fr. Felix de Andreis, in this SlideShare presentation.
13 Men On a Mission (Congregation of the Mission)
by Famvin Media Resources | Feb 19, 2016 | Formation
Missioners are called by God to cross geographical or cultural boundaries— the church without walls. They go to those needing ministry rather than expecting the reverse. Their focus is on the lost sheep that society shuns. They believe that God speaks, and that they...