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Louise de Marillac: Animator of the Confraternities of Charity

In May 1629, Vincent de Paul made a request of Louise de Marillac. Would she accept going to Montmirail to visit the Confraternities of Charity established in that town and the neighboring villages?

Reflections On The First Rule of the AIC (1617)

In the Rule of August 1617 Vincent is very practical and we see that everything is developed from the perspective of Providence.

How St. Louise Revitalized and Organized the Confraternities of Charity

As we approach the 405th anniversary of the foundation of the first Confraternity of Charity (today the AIC) on August 23, let us learn from the example of St. Louise de Marillac, who was sent by St. Vincent de Paul to visit the Confraternities beginning in 1629....

10 years of the Tsiry project: review and outlook

From AIC International When the “Tsiry” (“seeds” in Malagasy) literacy project started in autumn 2010 with the training of teachers, nobody had any idea how long-term, successful, and sustainable the programme would be. Since 2011, 5509 adults and 2180 children,...