Ross Reyes Dizon
Arms Outstretched, Brow Sweating Blood
Jesus loves us with the strength of his arms and the sweat of his brow. He dies for us so that we may no longer live for ourselves but for him and others. Loving us to the end, Jesus lays down his life for us. That is how we come to know love. It is not a matter of...
Everyone, No Matter One’s Nationality
Lifted up from the earth, Jesus draws everyone to himself. He wants us to die with him on the cross, so that we may have eternal life. One can safely say that everyone looks for self-fulfillment. We may not be able to define it or specify the right means of...
Believe in the Crucified Jesus, by Loving as He Does
Jesus crucified reveals the love to the end that God has for us. To believe in him, then, is to reveal the same unfathomable love. Moses lifted up the bronze serpent in the desert. By looking at it, those whom the serpent had bitten recovered. In...
Temple Means Basically “God-With-Us”
Jesus is the only temple that matters. He is “God-with-us,” the fullest presence of God among human beings. Jesus feels outrage when he finds in the temple area sellers of animals and money-changers. They probably think they foster worship of God. But Jesus...
Partners in the Project of the Kingdom of God
Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father who hands him over for us all. He announces to us the Good News of the kingdom. His true followers and partners listen to him. Jesus ushers in the kingdom of God. He has every reason, then, to resist Satan, the power that...
Desert: Trial and Grace; Cross and Resurrection
Jesus overcomes Satan in the desert. He thus reveals that he is the Firstborn of the new creation and the Head of the new people of God. The Spirit drives Jesus out into the desert. Jesus stays there for forty days, tempted by Satan, living with wild beast and...
Charity that Is Tender and Inclusive
Jesus gives us an example of tender and inclusive charity. Our Teacher and Lord wants such charity to be the badge that identifies his disciples. The cure of a leper reveals clearly the charity of Jesus, the love that binds him to those who suffer. He is moved with...
Serving God Means Serving our Neighbor
Jesus indicates that serving God is serving the neighbor. To help the needy, then, is part and parcel of the religion of his followers. Jesus teaches in the synagogue and amazes the people. And by serving a needy person, he amazes them even more. That is because he...
Authority among Followers of Christ
Jesus teaches with astonishing authority. He expects those he has sent to proclaim the Gospel to every creature to carry out their mission with authority. Jesus does not teach as the scribes. These serve as official interpreters of the law and the prophets. ...
Change of Mind, Heart and Behavior
Jesus embodies the change of mind, heart and behavior that the Gospel entails. The kingdom of God belongs to those who conform to this change and clothe themselves with Jesus. With the arrest of John the Baptist, a painful change enters his life. But God does not...