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Remain in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Vine and Branches and Much Fruit

Jesus is the vine and his disciples, the branches.  Remaining in Jesus, and he in them, the disciples bear much fruit. Remaining now in the true vine, Paul gives much fruit. He does not only speak boldly in the name of Jesus. He also toils harder than all the other...

Remain in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Unexpected and Glorious Outcome

God does not leave Jesus among the dead.  Nor does he let the one faithful to him till death know decay.  This is wonderful in our eyes, unexpected. Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’ tomb and runs into something unexpected.  That is because she sees the tomb open. ...

Remain in the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Arms Outstretched, Brow Sweating Blood

Jesus loves us with the strength of his arms and the sweat of his brow.  He dies for us so that we may no longer live for ourselves but for him and others. Loving us to the end, Jesus lays down his life for us.  That is how we come to know love.  It is not a matter of...