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Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Jesus is the one who sows the word of the Kingdom. And he wants his followers to be eager and high-spirited sowers that he is. The wise and the learned say Jesus blasphemes, breaks the law and is possessed by the devil (Mk 2, 7. 24; 3, 22). But  the simple folks...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Meek Teacher, and Lowly as Well

Jesus is meek and lowly. And he asks us to learn from him, so that we may find rest. The Gospel reading last Sunday spoke about how much it would cost to follow Jesus (Mt 10, 37-42). And the Teacher demanded complete loyalty. Even if it meant painful break with the...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Illusions about Our Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus is the Suffering Servant of the Lord. Those who truly know him do not have illusions about him. The Teacher gives the Twelve full disclosure. For he does not want them to have illusions about how much it costs to be an apostle. After all, this is what calling...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Afraid at Night, Uneasy at Daylight

Jesus is and will always be with us until the end of the age. We put our trust in him and in his words when we are afraid. Jesus tells the Twelve that no disciple is above his teacher. That is to say, those who are like wolves will call them names and speak ill of...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Eat and Drink for Everlasting Life

Jesus gives us his flesh to eat and his blood to drink. He fills and strengthens us pilgrims who are on the way to eternal life. Jesus gives his disciples his body to eat, and asks them, “Do this in remembrance of me.” Then, he gives them his blood to drink, and tells...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Be Love to Know God Who Is Love

Out of love, Jesus lays down his life for us sinners. No one, then, loves us more. He is the best proof that to be God is to be love. Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night. “Night” may mean he seeks light. Is he wrestling with “to be or not to be?” A question of salvation...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Flame of Blazing and Renewing Fire

Jesus is Lord! But we can say this only by the Holy Spirit. And only his flame can renew the face of the earth. The Holy Spirit comes with the strength of a driving wind that fills the whole house where the disciples are. And a tongue of fire or flame rests on each of...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Raise the Poor and the Helpless

Jesus has gone up heaven. And from his throne he looks down on earth to lift up the helpless from the dust and raise the poor from the dump (Ps 113, 6-7). Jesus tells his followers to wait for the Holy Spirit. And they quickly ask if it is time for him to raise up...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Defender, One in Three, of the Helpless

Just like his Father, Jesus gives justice to those in need and defends the rights of the poor. Still and all, he gets them another Defender. Jesus lifts up his own. They are sad as he says goodbye. And they have the hunch that woe is coming. Is it time to strike the...

Eager and High-Spirited Sowers

Show Jesus so as to Show the Father

Jesus reveals the Father. We Christians must be like him to show him and the Father. The followers of Jesus show worry. For he tells them that one of them will betray him. And another, who says he will die for him, will deny him. Besides, they recently heard him speak...