John Freund, CM
St. Vincent de Paul’s Inner “Doubting Thomas”
I thought I knew the meaning of the story of “doubting Thomas.” That is until I read ‘Like Thomas, I Don’t Always Believe’ by Ryan Henderson Espinoza.
Medical People – Serving In Encampments and On the Street
One question leads to another! Last week I reflected on what is involved in choosing to go to a shelter in this time of Pandemic. Since then I found myself asking, not whether I would go to shelter, but what would happen if I got sick on the street or in an...
The Acts of the Apostles Are About Us – Today
We can read the Acts of the Apostles as interesting history detached from our lives. Or we can read them as stories about real people – people like ourselves, people facing the same issues we do today.
Vincentian Prayer Images: Can We Hear God’s Consoling Word?
Are we prepared to hear God’s consoling word when it is simply saying “I am with you in the midst of this?
“Pay It Forward” Divine Mercy Sunday
“Be merciful, as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). Sounds a lot like “Pay it forward.”
What Can We Learn From Our Roads to Emmaus and Damascus?
We can learn much from those who wrestled with the upheavals in their lives as recorded in our family album called the Acts of the Apostles.
Would You Live In a Homeless Shelter In a Pandemic?
I have asked myself the question “What would I do if I were homeless today? What could I do?
Learning From God’s Model Of Changing History
What can we learn about being chang agents from imitating God’s model of bringing about a change in our ways of thinking?
Vincentian Prayer Images: God Asking More Than We Can Bear
Elizabeth certainly felt all the losses she was called to bear.
After the Virus – A Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday Consciousness?
We face a choice. Will we think of ourselves as living in a Holy Saturday world or an Easter Sunday world?