Javier F. Chento
An Immigrant Christmas
This is one small but very meaningful way we welcome refugees into the Buffalo community and make them feel welcome.
Interview with Father Bertin Sanon, Superior General of the Religious of Saint Vincent de Paul
Here we interview Father Bertin Sanon, Superior General of the Religious of Saint Vincent de Paul.
The Pilgrimage of St. Vincent de Paul Relics in Slovakia Has Been Concluded
For almost three months Vincent’s relics were viewed and venerated in than 100 places (parishes, houses, communities, etc.) in the Czech and Slovak Republic.
What is Sharing?
To be a Vincentian means that we not only share our material possession but that we also be an evangelizer and share our spirituality with others.
A Conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul to be Established at the Vatican
On November 28th there was a meeting about the formation of the first conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in the Vatican
A Social Project that Provides Dignified Work to Those Involved in Recycling
Recyclable articles are collected and then sold. This money ensures the survival of the families who are recycling.
Imbedded Seeds Develop Gradually
Almost 10 years ago, I attended a FAMVIN gathering in the U.S. where “Systematic change” was well explained. Inspired by this concept, I shared it with my friends and others who had experience in reaching out to homeless people.
Human Rights Today and Always
On December 10th, the United Nations celebrates the International Human Rights Day as an annual reminder of adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
Interview with Mother Alda Stroppiana, Superioress General of the Congregation of the Vincentian Sisters of Mary Immaculate
Here we interview Mother Alda Stroppiana, Superioress General of the Congregation of the Vincentian Sisters of Mary Immaculate.
Weaving Charity
Applying this theme to our daily life, we can affirm that to weave is to bring together three elements: faith, hope and charity.