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The Herald of Good Tidings

The Herald of Good Tidings

In the liturgical readings of the season of advent the book of Isaiah has a prominent place. Especially the passage, (Isa 40:1-11) in which we read about the voice which commands the herald of good tidings to “Cry out.” It is a solemn command to announce the good news...

Dubai: The COP28 on the Global Threat of Climate Change

Dubai: The COP28 on the Global Threat of Climate Change

From 30 November to 12 December, the United Arab Emirates will host the COP28, the annual UN climate conference to address the global threat posed by climate change. This is a very important event for the world and for the future of the planet: delegates from 200...

Standing Up For Migrant Rights in Quincy

Standing Up For Migrant Rights in Quincy

Tensions rose during a community meeting held in Quincy, where over 500 residents gathered at Central Middle School to address concerns and ask questions regarding a recently established migrant shelter at Eastern Nazarene College.