.famvin TEAM
From Value to Virtue: Selflessness
To say #IamVincent means to live a life of virtue. Actually, it means to live a life of five essential virtues. The fourth is Selflessness: the virtue of generosity. In the midst of the present cultural context in which we find ourselves, the Rule of the Saint Vincent...
Teach me how to dance! #IamVincent
To say #IamVincent is to be willing to learn how to dance! Emily Becker of DePaul University learned how, and will never stop... When I look back on the beginning of my Vincentian story, I see a clear starting point. At the beginning of my freshman year, I saw a...
A Time to Wait for God’s Coming
St. Luke, in his Gospel, before writing about the birth of Jesus, speaks about the coming of God in the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth (Lk1:5-24). Both of them were righteous before God, living blamelessly according to all the commandments of the Lord. But still...
Louise de Marillac: Listening and Respecting the Views of the Poor
One of the administrators of the hospital in Nantes, who has been in Paris, “spoke to me about the seasoning of your soup. I believe you should not hesitate to add some cloves to it since it is the custom of the region. Likewise, Sister, since the Fathers of the Poor...
From Value to Virtue: Gentleness
To say #IamVincent means to live a life of virtue. Actually, it means to live a life of five essential virtues. The third is Meekness: the virtue of gentleness. It is interesting to note that “Wikipedia” speaks of gentleness as a virtue of former ages but is...
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is a Missionary
Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., successor to St. Vincent, wrote this reflection for the members of MiSeVi, and now shares it with the entire Vincentian Family. [button link="https://congregationofthemissionin.box.com/s/8k7ws9h5zmoay6obpes9gx0gptgr99sl" s style="download"...
Beyond the Bicentennial – Vincentian Higher Education
In the summer of 1816, thirteen Vincentian priests set out from Italy to establish the first Vincentian mission in the United States. Two hundred years later, that mission is continued in hospitals, universities, conference of the society of St. Vincent de Paul, and a...
Louise de Marillac: Street Children
“In the name of God, my Most Reverend Father, consider whether we should persuade these Ladies not to accept new foundlings so that we can pay our debts and bring back the weaned children from the country. I assure you that, in conscience, we can no longer stifle the...
A Missionary’s Voice: The End Times
As we are in the last week of the liturgical year, the scriptural passages for the liturgy speak about “end times,” which in theological language is called as eschatology or apocalyptic. In the book of Daniel we have two famous eschatological visions. The first vision...
Neighbors on the Border
I have heard the story of the Good Samaritan countless times: I remember reading it in my Children’s bible with illustrated pictures, seeing the parable come to life in skits and reenactments during retreats, and hearing homilies on the many messages contained in this...